Migration Patterns



In the chart above, you can see that the number of immigrants who have come to Abbotsford have been quite consistent throughout the years.

Many people started coming to Abbotsford in the 1800s when there was a gold rush along the Fraser River and people started settling in the Abbotsford area. When the Canadian Pacific Railway was starting to be built, one of surveyors decided it would be a good idea to put a station there since people were starting to settle there anyways. After the CPR was finished, more and more people starting coming to Abbotsford mainly because of the land and jobs that were available. After that, there was a consistent number of people who would immigrate to Abbotsford, and as well emigrate from Abbotsford, due to various push and pull factors such as job loss or maybe they want to go to the place where they have more family. 


Abbotsford is a very multicultural city as is the rest of Canada. I believe that it will stay this way not only because of the people that are already in the city, but the ongoing immigration from other countries. I believe that the migration patterns will change and will vary according to the health of Abbotsford's economy. The net migration rates could be both positive and negative each year, we never know. As for the origins of immigrants, I believe a natural disaster, such as famine or war could easily lead to more immigrants from that specific place. As you can see in the interprovincial migration charts, British Columbia and Alberta are the biggest migratory partners in Canada, and I think it will stay this way due to the proximity to each other. I hope that there will be more immigrants that come to Abbotsford since there are so many opportunities for everyone's different skills and that Abbotsford will grow into a larger, developed city filled with people from around Canada and the world.